I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I have been working to make the kids toques for this winter. You may have seen a couple of them already, but here they all are, in one place π Now that they’re finally all done, I’m ready to show you.
They began back in summer. I made Dekker’s toque in August. His is the most plain. Bulky grey, very soft, with ear flaps, as per his request. He really likes it, and it does the job!
Laela’s is next. Hers was finished pretty recently. This is the third toque in a row that she has requested to be a cupcake. I went a little less obvious with this one, but she still buys it as a cupcake toque. If she ever just wanted it to be a toque toque, I would lose the cherry and add a pompom. Boom.
Rowan asked for a fox, yet again. I can’t find a picture of him wearing it where it doesn’t look completely wonky, so you’ll have to take my word for it. It is the cutest fox toque pattern I’ve ever seen. The nose dips down so nicely to keep his forehead extra warm, and it dips down by the ears, also. Its a total win.
Solly’s toque is the last one I finished, actually. He couldn’t nail down what he wanted, and I wanted him to choose because he is oddly specific about what he wears, and if he didn’t like his toque, I knew it would be a battle to get him to wear it. We settled on bananas, and I have no regrets! His toque is definitely bananas!
And I know I’ve showed you Wavy’s before. Strawberries. Its a little big, but she can wear a ponytail in there if she wants, and all is well. She likes it, and I like it, so all works out!
There you have it! Toques for all! I have made a couple others this season, too, but I’ll show you them at a later date π For today, these are all cute enough!