I’m not one who needs a thing to make me feel better. When I’m struggling, I’m not just aching for some retail therapy. I have ZERO judgement for people who do, but thats not how I roll. Yet, sometimes something wonderful shows up and it can be a really lovely morale boost.
For instance, the other day, my sweet neighbour purged her closet and left a big box of cozy clothes outside my door. That was a lovely surprise, and I had a LOT of fun digging through it and choosing some new items for my closet of cozy things. It was a loving gift and was a fun distraction, and now I have new comfy things to wear on all of these frigid winter days. As in ALL the Costco sweatshirts I’ve eyed but passed up. Woohoo!
Three days ago, someone local was giving away a project carrier for free. I jumped at it, but was not the first person. And that was fine. More people spoke up after I asked, as well, so I assumed it went to a draw or something, and didn’t think anything of it. But then it came up on my Facebook feed again, and it had not been marked as given. So I messaged the person giving it away to inquire, and she mentioned that on her post, she had said to send her a message to get her address. And no one had! So it was MINE!!!!
Guys. Specifically crafty ones. I never have even considered affording this kind of thing for myself! I am THRILLED.

Both of these carrier comes off of their wheeled thing and have handles to carry. They are huge, and will whole a whole blanket worth of yarn and supplies. I can take it to the LAKE!!! No more garbage bags, or white foot basin tubs. They can get some sparks and dust on them, and still contain my project. The top one even leaves me the opportunity to have yarn running out from inside of it with the top closed, so I can work without sparks burning the yarn balls.
This is INCREDIBLY exciting for me. SUCH a win.
Speaking of taking this to the lake, another morale boost on its way!

A winter fire is to come! Gonna catch some summer vibes and breathe in a little fresh air that isn’t directly from shovelling and bawling simultaneously.
I am determined that this week has to be better!