We have felt so much love and care over these last couple of days. I mean, more so the last year, but I’m speaking specifically about the last days. Our anniversary is a beautiful time, but it was actually heavy for me even before Brady’s surgery. You might not remember, but Dekker’s eye surgery was right in this window of time as well, and the memory of how that all went down was pretty traumatizing. That fell on February 11th. So it was always a difficult memory that would start nagging at me around now. The year that happened, it obviously overshadowed our anniversary, which is fine because our marriage does not depend on a February date. Not in the slightest. But now we have even bigger fish to fry right around the same time! 😅 Oof!
Yesterday, we were given the chance to go out for the afternoon and evening together, just Brady and I. Cher used her ONE rest day to babysit the kids, receive them from school, feed them, and put them to bed.
Meanwhile, Brady and I perused a couple of stores, and managed to buy him some pants that actually work for him (this is a real win!) as well as some kitchen stuff for home, and the lake, and we even scored some Christmas and bday gifts for the kids! It was a super successful, restful time together.
We actually went and sat in a restaurant for the first time in I don’t know how long, and enjoyed a supper together. Our server was really personable and chatty, and the food was great! While we waited for our bill, an older couple came up to our table and inquired “Have we seen you tv?” That was a good laugh, hahaha! They were asking all about Brady’s Batec and were encouraging us. It was very sweet of them, and we had a good giggle about how we’re basically celebrities now 😎😎 I tease, of course, but it was fun.

We did a little more shopping before we grabbed some coffee and went to sit it at the train bridge. That has been our spot since we were dating, and we go there often when we have windows of time to kill. The very first day I was allowed to take Brady out of the hospital, we went to buy him some shoes, and we got some lunch to eat at our spot. Something about that spot feels homey. Can’t explain it.
We came home to a quiet house and a very tired Cher 💜 We were so grateful for the evening out. Thank you again, sweet girl, for the break.
Tomorrow is a big one for our hearts, so I will aim for ease in the next day or two. Making baskets and listening to good music!