After one of the worst nights we’ve had since the Quarter Pounder joined our family, we had a really beautiful morning at Kinasao before we packed up and said our goodbyes to our dear Dahlsjos 💜 We wont see them again until the new year, but we will all be busy doing all kinds of things that I imagine time will pass quickly. Still. We love you guys 💜 Travel safe!
We drove home in a fairly quiet van full of tired children after a really nice weekend. The vibe was good.
And then something kind of hilarious happened!
As we drove, we started catching a vehicle. A super basic, nondescript white old passenger van. Brady got a little nostalgic, talking about his big beast of a white van that he used in his last stretch as a contractor. He had some good vehicles and some really bad vehicles for work in the past, but that van was the BEST. He felt professional in it. Like he officially fit the bill. Like people would take him seriously in a different way. He LOVED that van. It was sad to get rid of it, but when he was ready to list it, it was snapped up by a man with a large family who was so excited to use it for travelling! So it softened the blow pretty significantly.
And wouldn’t you know. This van was THAT van.

Ok, give me a break. I’m not super creepy, but it was so unbelievable! The same worn strip down the side. Same hubcaps that were spray painted. And once we were in front of it, the same wrinkle int he bumper. It was the SAME VAN! And Brady excitedly pointed out that it was loaded with kids!
And he wasn’t sad 💜

It was like… seeing an old friend. Reminiscing for a second. But not getting too stuck or hung up back there. Honey, correct me if I’m wrong here. But it seemed like such a nice memory that wasn’t riddled with regret or grief, really. Brady had wanted a good, big passenger van for work for years, and he had finally gotten it. It would’ve been nice to have it sooner, definitely, but it was a really amazing thing for him while he had it. A truly perfect setup. And it was so bizarre to see it out there today, still going strong.
Anyway. Maybe this is a strange post, but it felt like a warm thing and I wanted to share it on here so we remember it 💜 An homage to Bradys contractor days, perhaps 😘