Goodbyes and Back Home

After one of the worst nights we’ve had since the Quarter Pounder joined our family, we had a really beautiful morning at Kinasao before we packed up and said our goodbyes to our dear Dahlsjos 💜 We wont see them again until the new year, but we will all be busy doing all kinds of things that I imagine time will pass quickly. Still. We love you guys 💜 Travel safe!

We drove home in a fairly quiet van full of tired children after a really nice weekend. The vibe was good.

And then something kind of hilarious happened!

As we drove, we started catching a vehicle. A super basic, nondescript white old passenger van. Brady got a little nostalgic, talking about his big beast of a white van that he used in his last stretch as a contractor. He had some good vehicles and some really bad vehicles for work in the past, but that van was the BEST. He felt professional in it. Like he officially fit the bill. Like people would take him seriously in a different way. He LOVED that van. It was sad to get rid of it, but when he was ready to list it, it was snapped up by a man with a large family who was so excited to use it for travelling! So it softened the blow pretty significantly.

And wouldn’t you know. This van was THAT van.

Ok, give me a break. I’m not super creepy, but it was so unbelievable! The same worn strip down the side. Same hubcaps that were spray painted. And once we were in front of it, the same wrinkle int he bumper. It was the SAME VAN! And Brady excitedly pointed out that it was loaded with kids!

And he wasn’t sad 💜

It was like… seeing an old friend. Reminiscing for a second. But not getting too stuck or hung up back there. Honey, correct me if I’m wrong here. But it seemed like such a nice memory that wasn’t riddled with regret or grief, really. Brady had wanted a good, big passenger van for work for years, and he had finally gotten it. It would’ve been nice to have it sooner, definitely, but it was a really amazing thing for him while he had it. A truly perfect setup. And it was so bizarre to see it out there today, still going strong.

Anyway. Maybe this is a strange post, but it felt like a warm thing and I wanted to share it on here so we remember it 💜 An homage to Bradys contractor days, perhaps 😘

Today was a Day for…

Today was a day for music by the fireplace. For crocheting and drinking coffee. For the Morsel making new friends, playing guitar with the worship leader, and dragging Kelly around by the hand. For talking to the people you’ve seen around but never actually shared a conversation with.

Today was a day for decorating cookies. For graham cracker nativity scenes. For tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. For popcorn.

Today was a day for kids to connect with new kids. For playing tag. Mafia. Treasure hunting. Sledding. Doing crafts. Singing campfire songs.

Today was a day for driving the twinkle tour that we missed last weekend. For staying inside where it’s warm. For hot chocolate and cookies.

Today was a day for storytelling, and reminiscing about Gods goodness to us. How we got to where we are today, and where we dream of going in the future. And how we only want to go where God sends us.

Today was a day of beautiful things. Thank you God.

The Advent Retreat

I would write more, but goodness, we have had the MOST fun this evening with this beautiful group of hooligans and I am both spent and filled to the brim with cozy feelings and hot chocolate 🥰

Merry Christmas from Kinasao to you!

It’s good to be back 💜

A Long List

I had a pretty good list of things to get done today. I waited anxiously for the babies to go down for naps and would you believe me if I told you that ALL THREE napped at once?!?! Of course, QP had to nap in the swing, not in bed, but that was ok. There is sooooo much vomit that comes out of that baby, the swing is my saving grace sometimes.

I got to work tidying up some spaces that have just filled with junk. Some stuff that needs attention. Some stuff that just needs to be reorganized. Lots that needs to be carried downstairs. Stuff that the kids have dumped. I was elbow deep in a big bag of yarn that I wanted to re-roll and donate to the local Fibrary when I was reminded that I was participating in a baking exchange this weekend! So considering I had done most of what I could in that moment anyway, I dove into baking. And while I thought I might just finish part of the first batch possibly, but I accidentally finished up a nice double batch of homemade oreos ✅✅

Yes. They are as good as they look! And, as a bonus, somehow I had way too much cream cheese frosting sooooo its saved for the inevitable next batch of these suckers!

Mmmmm. Tis the season for treats.

The Season for Laela

Our little performer is getting all geared up for the fun that is to come! Last week, she had the chance to audition for the Christmas play that the grade sixes put on every year. This year 🙌 The Grinch! She’s a funny one, and had a pretty specific idea of what role she wanted. Partway through the day today, I got this email from her 🤣

She was VERY happy to be given the role of the mayor of Whoville 🤣

So when she came home from school, she was buzzing with excitement. It wasn’t long after that when I reminded her she had yet another audition coming up later that evening for the musical her school is putting on in Spring. She got a little in her head at that point and I let her be for a while. As the time got closer, she asked if we were driving or walking. I told her I wasn’t planning on going with her since it was right around suppertime. She crumbled into a bit of a heap and told me she wanted me with her. It was like, little girl nerves in my very grown up little girl 💜

Needless to say, we went together. We bailed the moment Brady rolled into the driveway, and I sat in the hallway while she auditioned. She went in pretty nervous and came out looking so confident and at ease. My girl.

She told me as we headed home that she really wants the bigger role she auditioned for, but that she would still be super happy with a small role if not. She just wants to be in it, and I love that. She will work HARD on it, this I know for sure.

Its a fun season upcoming! It helps balance out some of the weariness that has come with fostering recently. God always provides.

Three Sizes

I had to duck out with everyone today for a little bit. The Lemon Drop had an appointment. It was my first time taking everyone together! While we didn’t all go in anywhere, but we went out together, haha! Basically, it was my first time packing a diaper bag for all three babies.

It was an easy one. It was only going to be a short outing. Only bring a little bit of everything.

I made an 8 oz bottle. And a 4 oz bottle. Both overkill, but offered me some security in case it took a little longer than planned. I filled a sippy cup with water, and added a nutrigrain bar to the bag. Wipes. And – the best part – three different sizes of diapers.

Yes. Having three babies is a lot, especially when you’re trying to adjust to the new one and learn all the ins and outs. But some of these novelties never get old 💜

I’m VERY grateful for the life we’ve been given.

The First Full Day at Home

So. We haven’t told you guys yet, but we are back to a party of ten 💜 We made it 3 weeks between placements, and we did have reasons for that. But the time was right and along came – named by Brady – the Quarter Pounder!

Yup. Since I can’t show you anything real, you’re getting AI 🤣

So now our babies range from a toddler down to a baby down to a little baby. It’s a little bit nuts, but man. We would not trade it for a minute 💜

QP only came to us Friday afternoon, and came with us to Kinasao. Though LD stayed home with grandma 💜 But the rest of us spent the first full day with the newbie at camp, which was fitting since that was the ONE family member who hadn’t been there!

I have this really nice picture of Brady sitting across the living room from me, bottle feeding a baby, and in the front of the picture you can see a bottle feeding baby on my lap as well. Its really really lovely 💜 Of course I can’t show you here 🙄 Such a bummer, though understandable. Anyway, I asked AI for help again, and it was a hoot 🤣 You’re welcome.

I gave up, lol!

So the gang is back up to ten. We are back to having two babies in our room. Three cribs in use. The kids are elated to have QP with us, but I will say my favorite response has been that of the Morsel 💜

The Morsel has been with us the longest of any placement, and you would think there would be some rivalry there. Some jealousy. But no. Not for a second. When I first introduced the two, the Morsel lit up with a big bright smile, just pointing eagerly at the baby. And when Brady got home from work, where the Morsel usually chases him down for a ride in the chair, rather, the chase was by a very eager toddler, pointing towards the new family member eagerly, needing to make sure dad saw. It was adorable.

Maybe we weren’t meant to give birth to more children, but I firmly own my belief that I was meant to be a large family mom. It doesn’t mean some days aren’t positively NUTS. I’m not happy every moment of every day. I don’t LOVE all the chaotic situations. But I am so content in my role. I am so grateful for every child that comes through our door, no matter how long they stay. I love the way our life is going.

Thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers and making this whole foster adventure a possibility.

Thank you for Brady.
Thank you for Dekker.
Thank you for Laela.
Thank you for Rowan.
Thank you for Solly.
Thank you for Wavy.
Thank you for the Morsel.
Thank you for the Lemon Drop.
Thank you for the Quarter Pounder.

I am SO blessed by every last one of these people.

Kinasao Market Day 2024

Today was the day! We left good and early, dropped the Lemon Drop off with my mom, and headed north for Kinasao.

With the threat of an impending storm, we expected a small turnout, but I was pleasantly surprised with the numbers! We got in some good face time with our dear Dahlsjos, and connected with a handful of other familiar faces. We even had a hilarious reunion with a super sweet woman we met once when buying furniture off Facebook marketplace 🤣 That was unexpected and just so funny!

As the storm moved in, we decided to skip the light tour :/ which was super sad but also, we’ll be baaaaack next weekend!! So well catch them then 🙂

All in all, it was a great success 💜 I sold some things, ate good food, and enjoyed some time sitting and chatting.

I am so beyond grateful for this camp, this spot, and the community.


Tomorrow is the day! We will head off to Kinasao for the day for the marketplace, the socializing, the meals and togetherness, and we’ll wrap up the day with the Christmas light tour! It is a big day with lots of lead up, but we are all really looking forward to it.

Brady, the kids, and I worked late into this evening to get the van loaded up. We brought all the things for the babies. All the emergency winter gear. All the things we would absolutely NEED if we got stranded out there for the night. Cool that it was all up in the garage storage…..

And all the things I need to put my table together for the craft fair again 🙂


Thank goodness for the big van! Now we just hope and pray that the roads stay safe and clear.

Do something festive tomorrow, guys!


I wasn’t a soother mom before, but I am now. The babies I’ve had since we started fostering have just needed the extra comfort, and I am totally fine with it. So being that we had three babies for a time, we had a LOT of soothers laying around. When the bigger babies needed bigger soothers, the little soothers all went to the little baby. Meanwhile, the big babies only used a soother in their beds, but the little baby needed one more often. So if you can see where this is going, we have a few big soothers, and one million small soothers.

Ok. Not a million. But, like, too many. More than one baby needs.

But a couple of days ago, I went to pop a soother into the baby, and found we had very few soothers left. Like, only one of the good ones. And you can very likely appreciate the importance of a good soother. So at the next opportunity, I lifted out the crib mattress, and myyyyy goodness.

Yes. There were six soothers all lovingly tucked between the mattress and the wall. SIX! 😂

Retrieving them was a fun challenge, but I did it, and I have a nice stack of soothers to get us through the nights to come, lol!