Overshadowed Father’s Day 2024

This year, Father’s Day was greatly overshadowed by a birthday! A little one in our care celebrated a birthday today!!! 🥳 That birthday will not always fall on Father’s Day, and as it happened, it took precedence. Brady wasn’t hurt 💜 He agreed and understood.

Regardless, it is important to note that Brady is the best dad I have ever come across. Truly. He makes not a single excuse. Though he could.

Bradys brain stuff is not over. Not even sort of. He still battles the side effects of surgery and meds every single day, and very little of it is simple or nice. Almost all of it is really, really difficult. Yet, as a father of EIGHT children this year, he shows up for them. There is no bias. No favoritism. There is always, only love. Which is all have for him, also. Always, only love.

You are SO dearly loved by your family, Brady 💜 Absolutely every last one of us. Thank you for sticking with us though aaaaall the junk that has been thrown at you. We would not be us without you 💜