Yup, I said it. Today’s outpatient rehab appointment felt like a date 😆 Go with me on this, haha!
Well, first, I drove to the wrong hospital. In my defence, the last twenty five times I drove to the hospital, I went to the cancer centre. So today, as we crossed the river, Brady commented mildly “We’re going to the wrong hospital…” So that happened. Luckily, made it back to City Hospital rehab on time and checked in early.
Fun fact. The handicapped parking spots in the City lot are WAY too small. They are tight for our bus already, much less with a wheelchair pulled up beside. But we made it work.
So as I said, we checked in early and went to wait in the waiting room. Brady’s PT from before had heard he was coming today and was clearly keeping an eye out for him because she was beside us within a minute or two. It was SO nice to see her. Honestly, it was weirdly nice to be back 💜

It probably helped to know that we didn’t have to stay.
We chatted with our PT, Kari, and then one of the PTAs, Kristen, before his outpatient therapist made her appearance and introduced herself. She, too, was super friendly and nice to talk to. Being that this was Brady’s first outpatient appointment, it was more an assessment of his abilities and what needed work post-radiation. Thankfully, radiation took very little from him, and he is stronger now than he was when he left the program at City. Woot! She was able to suggest some things for Brady to work on and try that were new to him, so thats good to have a direction to move in! We’ll go back next week, but she said likely, his appointments won’t even be once a week. He is doing very well in his daily life, and mostly just needs to keep practicing everything he already knows, so there will be some in-person appointments and some virtual appointments, but likely not too many 🙂 Easy peasy!
We got out of the hospital around noon and drove to grab a quick drive-thru burger before continuing on. Walmart had a LONG list of things to get for the upcoming lake season. There was a lot that we transferred back and forth to the lake a handful of times last year, swearing we’d get a double for the lake next season, ie pillows, water bottles, toothbrushes, etc. We needed sheets for their mattresses, pillowcases for their pillows that stay there, and real cutlery rather than disposable. Finally, we needed blinds. Last year, we had cardboard taped up to the windows, hahaha! We finally nailed down some basic white roller blinds and they will be exactly right. We grabbed some fans for some family, a few small grocery items, and yarn for all the projects I have on the go. You have NO IDEA how therapeutic crocheting has been for me in these last weeks!!! Running out of yarn partway through a project was a total gut punch the other day, so I’m all caught up now! Woot!
The Walmart shop was a total blast, to be honest. We moseyed, took our time, laughed a lot, and got pretty much everything on our list!

Yes, it CAN be done! We can still shop with two carts!!! 💜 I am SO grateful for a husband who does not make excuses. That determination sets him apart in a lot of ways, and I am SO proud to be married to this man!
We got home and are both completely exhausted!! But, full speed ahead! Today is the busiest day we’ve had probably since Brady’s been home, and there is still more to do!
I am truly grateful for today.