Our band had the opportunity to play locally last night at our family restaurant. It was pretty thrilling to my heart to see the building FILL as we got ourselves settled. My mom brought Dekker and Laela for supper and music, and Carrie’s husband brought her older kids, too! Besides them, there were MANY others who made reservations and intentionally came to see us. It was such an honour to be so well received.

We’ve never played at this place before, so we were not prepared for the noise level! Its totally expected when families are eating supper, but WOW! We should’ve brought our little sound setup! We ended up punting a good handful of songs because they were just too quiet, and we all sang together on many songs that were supposed to have solo parts. It was the only way we’d be heard!
About 45 minutes in, Brady broke a string on his guitar playing “You’re a Mean One, Mr Grinch” a little too aggressively. We limped through the last song or two, and took a break.
After the first hour was up, the crowd started to thin out, a few newbies showed up, and we decided to go again. We had a great table of youth from our church right in front of us who sang along and clapped and made it extra fun. We even made our way through a couple of the quieter ones 🙂
While we sang, the kids played and ate and coloured.

I love that they’re old enough to come to stuff like this now ❤️
Carrie’s husband joined my mom at her table after a while and wrestled my kids around. It was really nice to see my somewhat reserved Laela hop onto his knee and tease him. VERY cute.

We played from 6:00-8:00, save for that one break in the middle. It was SO fun. We spoke to the owner and thanked her for having us, and she seemed really happy with how it had all gone! She said she’d love to have us back anytime we feel so inclined 🙂 That felt good.
I’d call our first gig at Granny B’s a great success! Maybe we’ll do more local stuff after all!!