Our First Good Storm

It was the BEST night last night. Not because I slept well, because I definitely slept choppy, but because every time I woke up, it was to storm sounds! Rain, wind, and thunder. And a teeny bit of hail, but only for a minute or two. Just a little 🀏

I went to bed with rain sounds, lulled through the night to rain sounds, and woke up to rain sounds. I lay in bed in the dark, and the lightening lit up my room through the tiny window in my bathroom. The BEST kind of weather I could have asked for!!

The single downfall – I drove the kids to school. I WANT them to walk in the rain. But ideally, not in the lightening, if I could help it. Zero judgement to those who let your kids walk!! πŸ’œ I just felt unsure this morning so I took them. It POURED. It was just awesome.

The grass is so green in the front yard, and it makes my heart happy. The backyard, however, does not bring the same amount of joy, haha! Its weedy and messy and dry and dirty and it just needs some help. Just another thing on the list!!

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful downpour! Please keep it coming!! I’d take one of those good storms where the power flickers a couple of times. I’m sure they’d love that up north as well πŸ’œ