Our first full day of summer holidays was yesterday and I’ve got to tell you all about it. Not because anything super exciting happened, but because it was just the best, sweetest day ever. They may not ALL be like this, but I’ll take what I can get.
I slept in until 8am.
That could really be the end of the post, haha! That helped make the day great, that’s for sure! Wavy was still sleeping. I just woke up on my own. I made my way down and got the kids up shortly thereafter. I took time to snuggle every one of the four kids. As they got up, they slowly set the table. Usually, they fight about who sets what, because there are certain things they all like to set. Its pretty ridiculous, but this morning, they just did it. We took all kinds of time, and the kids were only really starting to eat after 8:30. I unpacked and reloaded the dishwasher while they ate, and without me nagging them to stay on schedule, they actually ate really well and enjoyed visiting amongst themselves. After breakfast, they loaded their dishes into the dishwasher and went about their morning.
They played and coloured and Laela elected to organize her stuff in her closet, as it was overrun by school stuff she had brought home. She tossed a TON and brought out some toys that are hers and put them in the toy bin for everyone to enjoy. Wavy woke up and joined the gang. Everyone played really well. It was like the air was different. Way lighter. No one had much to worry about.
I warned them all that it was coming up on lunch time, so we’d tidy toys in about fifteen minutes. They were fine with that. I took that fifteen minutes to feed Wavy a bottle and change some diapers. When the time came to tidy, I wasn’t quite finished with Wavy, so the toys were completely tidied before I had even started making lunch. Sooooo I threw on some dance music while I assembled pb&j for the kids. They partied and wrestled and cried and partied some more as I made lunch. It was actually a super happy time. They all did great.
Laela abandoned the dance party early and offered to set the plates for me, and she grabbed water bottles for everyone, too. No one complained when the party stopped for lunch, and they all ate happily. Seriously, I could make them peanut butter sandwiches every day and they would be happy campers. I don’t, lol, but I could!
While they ate, I chopped up a batch of granola bars I made the other day. They followed up their sandwiches with granola bars, because as you read yesterday, we are out of aaaaall the fresh things! Haha! Oh boy!

Lunch ended, and the little ones went to bed. Dekker and Laela happily played lego, and I somehow found motivation to make another batch of granola bars!! They’re pretty well loved around here so one batch doesn’t even make it a week. So a second batch is setting in the fridge right now 🙂 Win! With making the bars, I put everything in the dishwasher and ran it again, effectively improving nap time by a lot!
Brady came home at a good time and we wrapped the day up together as a family. We went on a gutting shopping trip to Superstore, Walmart, and Costco.

We hit the trifecta, and we’re all stocked up again!

Fresh stuff, a bunch of meat, some birthday gifts for friends, sandals for a couple kids, shoes for a couple kids, swimwear for a couple kids, and aaaaall kinds of other things. For reference, we only started Costo at 7:30, and our kids are usually in bed around 7:00. BUT, they surprised us and absolutely rocked it! They were SO happy, and we had SO much fun!!
What a perfect way to kick off summer holidays. With an ALL THE WAY HAPPY DAY!