Our Entrance Closet

I believe it was a couple of years ago when we made our entrance closet make a bit more sense for us. We put low hooks on one side of the closet, and we hang the adult sized jackets on the other side. We have a shoe organizer hanging over the door, and its filled with little mitts and toques, or in summer, flip flops, bug spray, and hats. Its been a perfect fit.

Until that fifth kid really wanted to do stuff by herself.

And until that first kid’s clothes got too big to “hang” on that little hook.

Everything is SO FULL!

I know, it doesn’t look too bad, but it definitely isn’t working. This picture doesn’t include my winter gear, or Brady’s winter gear. Or Dekker and Laela’s jackets.

We’ve been brainstorming. Dekker can reach the hangers, so its an option for him to hang his stuff up higher. That works. But really, the last four kids’ snow pants and jacket make a BIG cluttered mess regardless. What I would like to do is hang some of the outdoor stuff in the garage! But our garage isn’t heated, and in the time of covid, and rocking that income-free life, we cannot even pretend to justify buying a big natural gas heater. We do run a big space heater when we need to, but it destroys our electric bill. So we just can’t justify the expense.

So. We have to make this closet work! Help me, friends. How do I maximize this space?? I know some people hang their kids jackets on the back of their doors, but I fear the wet gear would destroy the doors. And also, I want them to open against the doorstop properly, without something bulky hanging on the back. No extra wall space in the entrance either. Can it be done?

SOS! 🏳️

mama jeanne

How about 4 hooks on the door where the shoe rack is right now and moving the shoe rack to the other door? I’m pretty sure your thinking bigger but that would be a temporary place to put snow pants? Thabnt’s all I’ve got for now 🙂


That might not be a bad idea! It would get pretty bulky in there, but I think it will no matter what. Good thought!