Praise God!!! We are all feeling upswingy enough to get back to the lake!! And at JUST the right time! Our longest trip of the summer is scheduled for this coming week, and we didn’t have to call it off! We are SO excited!!

The van is LOADED. We did everything we could to bring ALL the food and ALL the clothes we would need, theoretically without having to duck out for groceries or laundry halfway through, but I’m sure things will change as our holiday plays out, and that’s so fine 😁 we are READY to be there!!!

It’s amazing how three days at home can feel like both not enough time while also an eternity 😆
The sun is HOT. Gas prices are slowly dipping. Iced coffee is flowing. Our friends are already at the lake. It’s a beautiful day to be going to camp!! 😎

Meanwhile, I’m crocheting a Christmas blanket 😆 🦌