
I feel optimistic today. As I sit on the love seat, with Waverly grooving to some Shawn Mendes beside me, I feel hopeful for this year. I don’t always feel that way, but today, I do. I think its worth talking about 🙂 

My pain is improving, slowly. About two weeks ago, I tried to barely go down in my meds. I literally cut a corner off of a 1mg pill, and my pain was back in full force for about four days. My pain centres are just in a panic, so I’m on a new medication to calm that part of my brain down, and I feel hopeful about that medication! 

I feel on the emotional upswing in terms of my kids. 

Dekker’s collarbone is strong, and he is back to himself.

The middle boys are doing better! As far as I can tell, no one has any infection left, and even Solly seems back to himself after that perforated eardrum. 

Laela remains healthy, well, and overachieving, as always. She just graduated to level N for reading yesterday! Nothing is going to hold that girl back!

Wavy came through her breath holding just fine and is exactly herself. What a relief! She is SUCH a bright little girl, and is talking more and more.

My heart is so happy to watch the kids heal and develop and become more and more themselves! 

Meanwhile, I feel so happy to have our basement finished, and to already have SAVED enough money for a fence to be installed in the spring!! Thank you, Lord, for a change in Brady’s job, making him SO happy, and making our life more feasible. Quality of life has gone up!

I’m really excited to be back playing music with Brady and Carrie every week, and to have an upcoming gig in March, and one in April, too! Its been a while, and we’re dreaming a bit bigger in a few ways this year 😉 Please stand by!

Speaking of dreams, I’m trying to be vulnerable and talk about some dreams and goals I have with people close to me, and my passion for those things is reigniting! Bigger things feel more doable, and important. I’m excited for what this year could bring! 

In a simpler window of joy, supper is already in the crock pot! Heyo! Lol! Honey chicken is making a reappearance tonight, and I’m SO looking forward to it! 

If you remember from my “to do list” for the year, I mentioned wanting to plan a couple of little weekends/day trips. I’ve been really putting thought into them, and I’m getting very excited for them! Its always nice having something to look forward to! And our whole July is basically mapped out already! Woot!

I am loving the sun and the warmer weather. Its fickle, but I’ll enjoy it while I can!

I have some knitting and crocheting projects I’ve started to pick away at, too, which is a relief for my poor creative outlet. That thing has been neglected since I found myself in all of my pain, and its good to get back into some of it now that I’m healed enough that my hands allow for it. 

I feel optimistic about my life. I have joy. Currently – today – feels lighter than many. And I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful for every day, but today is just a little easier somehow. 

Tell me something you’re grateful for today, or optimistic about!! ☀️