I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around today. Its been a full year since Waverly came out of my body and into this world.

😳 No, no he is not.

Feel free to re-read her birth story HERE, if you want. I am blown away by it, and by her, in so many ways.
Wavy’s 12 months have been FULL of change!

Aaaaand because of Cher entering our lives, here are Waverly’s professional 12 months of change! (She was more into it some days than others)

I didn’t anticipate feeling so emotional about her reaching the one year mark. Of course I want her to age, and grow, and learn, and develop. I’m struggling more than I usually do with my baby leaving babyhood. She has been an AMAZING baby.
Waverly brought healing to our family in a time of immense pain and sorrow. She didn’t “make up” for any of our losses, but she was a beautiful reminder that God knows exactly what we need and when.

Its funny. When we chose her name, it didn’t mean very much to me. “Quaking aspens.” Ok. I kind of wrote it off as a name that didn’t mean anything, really, but I loved it so I was willing to look past it. I’ve since learned that aspens symbolize overcoming doubts and fears. Of facing challenges, and surviving. Add “quaking” to that, and its all pretty on point. I was SO fearful, shaking in my boots, the entire time. And we overcame, all glory to God! Look at the beautiful baby He gave us!

Ok. Whew! Let’s put a pause on these tears and get into the specifics of Miss Waverly Violet at ONE YEAR OLD!

She was SO cooperative for this shoot, and not at all sick 😆

Wavy weighs about 20 lbs 9 oz only! She is definitely our littlest one, weighing now what Dekker weighed around 4 months old! She is 30” tall, and was 20″ at birth. She has TEN teeth so far, though a couple are only partway through. Stinking molars. They still count, right? Her eyes are crystal blue, and her hair is SO long, it almost has to be up all the time. I’m suspicious she will be a brunette down the line. Don’t quote me on it, but when she cries, her eyelashes are DARK. We’ll have to see! Wavy has little beauty marks behind her knees, one each, and nowhere else. She wears 18 month shirts, 12 month bottoms, and size 3 diapers.

Wavy crawls like mad, and walks along any strong surface.

She lets us walk her around though, too, and seems to REALLY want to go!

She likes to tempt fate, and let go, flap madly, and plunk down on her bum. She says a lot of words, though nothing consistently, and she’s getting really good at mimicking. I’m watching her language pretty closely, because of her tongue tie, but so far so good. Her favorite toys are anything she can simply hold in her hands while she crawls. Thats often Hot Wheels, or single pieces of Duplo. She will eat anything and everything we feed her! She loves all the food you’d suspect a kid would, but she would turn down perogies for grilled broccoli, and could eat bell peppers all day long. She’s a noisy eater, and noms loudly when she’s enjoying her food. You never have to wonder with this one! I sometimes find her hiding under the table, eating dropped goldfish or Cheerios, just like her siblings did, haha!

Our nights are still interrupted by her wanting for a bottle, but now that school is out, we’ll be able to be a bit more intentional with changing that up. Waverly has slept through the night many times, easily, but we’re quick to get her when she does wake up, in order to not lull the other kids awake. Now that school is done, I’m less worried about them having some tired days as we figure out a new schedule 🙂 In all fairness, we could’ve figured this all out a while ago, probably. But she is SUCH a peach when she wakes up, we LOVE to see her! She always goes right back to sleep, and rarely even cries when we’re up with her. She’s just… content. Its awesome.

I asked the kids what they have to say about Wavy.

Solly says he loves Wavy’s little teeth.
Rowan can’t get around just how cute she is. Her hair and her eyes, when she giggles, talks, throws stuff, claps, etc. The list goes on. He insists he just loves everything about how cute she is.
Laela loves to take care of Waverly, and loves when she laughs. I think Wavy has really got Laela thinking about motherhood.
Dekker loves when Wavy tackles him, and wrestles with him. He loves making her smile, and sometimes harassing him is her favourite thing. They do great together.
I’m going to close this monthly update blog series off by sharing some messages written for Wavy. When she was only twelve days old, we threw a party for anyone and everyone who wanted to come meet her and celebrate with us. I remember reading them after the party and crying. Jerilee cried, too. It was such an emotional time, in the BEST way.

“Rainbow babies are truly the best. You are very blessed to be in the family you are in. xoxoxo”
“God placed you into a very special loving family. You are a treasured gift that we all love very much. Grow and be happy in this world.”
“We love you! May God grow you into a lovely woman! He loves you SO much!”
“You are so dearly loved! I am so thankful you are here.”
“Welcome to the world, beautiful baby girl! You have been created to be uniquely you and will always be loved for who and whose you are.”
“You are so so special.”
“You warmed hearts and were SO loved by many many people long before you were born! We all continue to pray for you!”
“You are soooo pretty! You have such a peaceful presence. Its so nice to hold you and snuggle you. We love you so much, sweetheart.”
“We’ve looked forward to you for so long – peace be with you and your family!”
Guys, that was just a sample of her messages. What a HUGE gift for her!

Waverly. I don’t even know what to say. You have brought so many blessings to our family, and to many others this last year. Its been SO exciting watching God use you already!! I can’t wait to see what big things He has in store for you in the years to come. Thank you for all you’ve taught me.

Happy birthday to Waverly!
Thank you Nikki! I’ll pass your message on ;*