We were informed on Brady’s last day of radiation that his side effects will peak around 7-10 days after treatment. Today is day 8. So here is an update on how the first week at home, treatment-free, has been.
Brady hasn’t gained back much energy at all, but he also hasn’t slowed down much either.

He is off his medication for nausea, which is awesome! He’s still on a couple of others, and he is pretty discouraged about how fatigued they make him. That being said, though, we know a great amount of his fatigue is due to the radiation itself. Once we’re out of the woods on that, we’ll see just how drowsy he is on his meds. They didn’t knock him out like this during rehab, so we’re hopeful!
There aren’t too many other crazy changes to speak of. Brady has a nice routine of the things that keep his headaches at bay. Workouts. Deep cold. A soak in the evening. He has a chair that works well for his back. He drinks lots of water and monitors it. He’s doing it all right, and its paying off.

Would you believe that there are five people in these pictures?
This coming week, Brady gets to go to Golden Mobility and finally get properly measured up for his custom chair! We received word last weekend that we’ve been approved for funding for Brady to get a beautiful wheelchair that will be built for his body and his needs. SO much better than what he’s working with now! This week also holds his assessment/first outpatient rehab appointment! It will be good and weird to be back at City Hospital, but I think we’re both looking forward to seeing what else they have to offer him.
God continues to protect us. And you, friends, continue to support us. We see you, and appreciate you not forgetting about us. This is a long game situation, which you clearly know, as we’re 3.5 months post-op.
Still so much to anticipate.