One of those Floppy Days

The morning was pretty much a flop 😅 Don’t worry, I’m not mad about it. But its worth noting that it was a pretty solid mess, one event after the other, with a few miniature wins thrown in there. #miniwins

When I woke up, my plan for the day was two appointments at JPCH, one after the other. While the kids were eating breakfast, I received a call saying the second of those appointments was cancelled due to a therapist calling in sick. I was a bit disappointed, because I was kind of anticipating that appointment, but it was out of my control. We rebooked for a couple of weeks down the road and I kept the day going as expected.

The time started to get away from me, and I rushed like a maniac to get babies ready and packed into the van in time. It got a little hairy, with construction causing detours right before the bridge, and then parkade entries being blocked off. However, as I was about to go waaay down and do some loops, a nice close spot opened up for me! I raced into it, got babies into a stroller, and literally ran across the parking lot.

I made it to the appointment with two minutes to spare, no joke.

Two minutes, and a month.


Sooooo after all that, we actually had NO appointments that morning. I didn’t need to go in at all. But, aiming to be positive, I decided to make a quick run over to Carters. The internet keeps showing me a sleeper that just emulates Spoonfuls mom, so I’ve been meaning to get there and buy it.

Upon arrival, I realized I didn’t have my wallet. Because that would’ve been too easy.


Ended up finding an emergency $20 in the van!

The sleeper did not exist.


I opened my van window and drove home with good music going and completely peaceful babies in the back. But goodness what an ordeal! Not my best morning, but I’m thankful that the weather was unseasonably warm, and that I hadn’t missed anything else important in the place of these non-appointments.

At least tomorrow, I know where I belong and when 😅 Or do I? 🤔