One of the Biggest Big Days

Welp. Today was absolutely gigantic. Going into the day, I felt confident that as long as I kept moving at a good clip, I’d get all the things done in a reasonable amount of time, and I’d feel that good rewarding fatigue that we all love to have at the end of the day. 

Whew. The day, however, did not deliver. Unfortunately it was just a largely struggly day. I really love posting as positive as possible but yikes. Today was a tough one. But I really do think it’s a culmination of the amount of work I’ve put into the last two weeks. I’ve overdone it, without a doubt, lol! And while I really don’t regret it, because aaaaall that work was super worth it, I have hit a wall, and I feel quite finished. 

Of course now that I’ve said that, God will press me further, so we’ll anticipate that 😂 

Conveniently, we have taken any extra long long weekend, and are back at the lake tonight 💜 We may have gotten here hours later than planned or preferred, but we made it. And guess what. Tomorrow holds NO meetings. NO visits. NO shopping. NO business. Just hanging out around a fire or on a beach with our friends who are actually our family. 

Tomorrow, anyway. First, we sleep 😴 At least I sure hope we do!! 🤞 cmon, Lemon Drop! I know you can do it!! 

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