This week is OFF school for us here in Saskatchewan, and thanks to some banked holidays from last year, Brady was able to take this week off of work as well! I am SO grateful for this opportunity to have a week of holidays all together during our heaviest month. I feel like we’re over the hump of struggle, and my body and brain are feeling a bit stronger than they were over the last couple of weeks. This week together came at the perfect time 💜
The week holds a little bit action towards the end, but first we have a few lax days, and today is one of those days. There are still things to do, of course, but nothing pressing or large. I need to cut up granola bars I made yesterday. Brady is gutting the bottom of the freezer. I wrote an important email, and I’m (ready?) blogging. I prepped for a blog for later this week, all the while having Frozen Jr pumping for Laela’s benefit. I have to wrap a gift, and I’d really like to finish up my current crochet project. I have a few on the go and this one is well within my grasp to finish in one day.
So you see, there are things to do, but they’re all very low pressure things. No one feels rushed or locked into anything. In fact, its quite peaceful thus far. Rowan set up his spirograph, in kind of a weird location, mind you, and started making everyone necklaces.

There is also lego and colouring spread all over the table and island, and I am LOVING it.
We had things that needed doing during afternoon quiet time, but they are temporarily on hold, so thats off the list too! Even one less thing to do today! Lol!
Whether you’re at home, work, school, or somewhere else, I hope you’re all having beautiful days 💜