Now that THAT’S Over…

I didn’t know the effect that the end of chemo would have on me. And I KNOW it isn’t about me, don’t you worry. It isn’t. I’m aware. But there are still things that happen and feelings that come along, so these are mine.

I woke up in the night feeling SO gross and bad and off. My body did that mean thing that it does when I’ve pumped on adrenaline too long, and attacked me with heartburn and a raging headache in the night. Its a very rude awakening, especially when I felt fine going to bed. I even had a soak, just to give my body a chance to recover in a reasonable way. But. Here we were, my adrenaline in overdrive, yelling at me from the inside. I did what I could, eventually got back to bed, and ended up sleeping in.

I woke up feeling quite renewed. I feel ready for the next stuff on the list. I’m still quite tired, but I’m motivated and anticipating many things. I am eager to prepare for fall and get a bit of a routine built. I want to fill in my calendar with all the comings and goings of our family. I want to start thinking about Halloween costumes (GHOSTS!) and Christmas presents. I want to bake and puree pumpkins.

But, let’s be realistic. I don’t have tons and tons of time. It makes no sense to think that far ahead. So if we aim for much more reasonable priorities…

I definitely want to write out my calendar for September before too long, and make a laundry schedule for the kids.

I want to catch up on foster care expenses, and chase a few signatures and whatnot. I would LOVE to stop being SO far behind in that stuff and start being able to do it monthly like I’m supposed to.

And guys, I REALLY need to hit Costco. Like, STAT.

But before I can look at any of that seriously, I have a really exciting visit to take my crew to this afternoon, where my kids will get to meet the Lemon Drop’s siblings and play together! Everyone is excited about it, and are all fairly idle, just waiting for time to tick by. The day is going slow in the one way, and so fast in others. Never ever ever enough minutes!