Laela has always been my little note fairy, leaving me cute little messages through the house. Sticky notes stuck to my headboard. Scraps of paper on the island. Artwork with words hidden in the picture. Everything laced with love and gentleness. I have LOVED her notes.
Yesterday evening, Rowan stayed up a bit later, and Brady was tasked with tucking him in while I went upstairs for a soak in the tub. Unbeknownst to me, there was some disappointment that I wasn’t there to give Rowan a hug goodnight. Thus was born my first thought out intentional note from Rowan!!
I found it this morning.

Hi Mom, I love
you so much,
I hope you
have had a
very good
sleep (tell the morsel) Heehee
Love Rowan 🤍
It warmed my heart that Rowan took time to write me a note. He is my child who asks me every single morning how I slept. He knows the morsel affects my sleep, and he really cares about it! Unfortunately, last night might have been one of our worst nights ever 😅 Right up there with the choppy nights at camp. I have not been this level of tired in quite some time, but tomorrow will be better already, I’m confident 💜 These well wishes always translate into Rowan’s nighttime prayers, as well, so I can carry my confidence in Christ that I will, as usual, have everything I need to make it through tomorrow!
Thank you, Ro, for your softness and your love 💜 I feel it, and I love you, too.