Not Quite

It didn’t all get done today. Not quite. Still waiting on the soccer game, though we’re told its still going forward in the rain! The MRI is after that. I’ll do some shopping. I didn’t weigh babies today, but tomorrow is another day. Did I mention we have three of those now? 😅 We do, which definitely adds to our party level over here!

I had a brief moment today where two babies slept in their beds and one napped in the swing next to me. I ate a little lunch in that time, and actually rested. It was short lived, but I liked it! Something tells me those moments in time will be few and far between!

I’m half asleep and the fullest part of my day has yet to begin! I’ll leave you with this picture of Laela, thinking she’s calling everyone a loser, when she herself is the total dork in the room 😅

Gonna try and grab some burgers in Stoon before Bradys scan.

Nothing about this blog post goes together…

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