It definitely felt closer to a “normal” day over here.
I got very little done but I got to see some people I really love, and speak to some others that I also really love 💜 How fortunate am I?!
I spent time holding a baby while they napped after they fussed a lot.
I ate lunch and watched a little YouTube while holding said baby.
I got a couple of kids out of school and took them to a doctors appointment.
After a successful appointment and a prescription or two, we headed home.
I retrieved the other five kids from Rae’s care (thank you, Rae 💜) and took everyone home.
Brady came home.
I made a super casual supper and everyone ate well.
A friend popped by with treats and welcomed us to the new neighbourhood. Goodness will there ever be a muffin emoji?!
I took Dekker to youth and picked up the prescriptions.
Upon coming back home, we got kids to bed and Brady started doing some work on the kitchen. Woot!

And now, babies are starting to squawk. One of them pooped. Both are red in the cheeks. Its almost time to wrap it up over here. Soon, it’ll be true crime and treats o’clock. One of my favorite times of day.
Tomorrow will hopefully be a touch more productive. But I carry comfort in the fact that we have big productive Saturday plans as a family 💪 Tomorrow will be good too, but I have no big worries 💜 God always knows how the things will turn out, and I am finding more and more comfort in that. Thank you, Lord!