Today was a day we’ve been waiting for! A day where Brady, my mom, and I can all go in together and get new phones! Our original plan way back was for my mom to inherit one of our phones when we went to get new contracts. But as time has gone on, Brady’s screen got cracked and one of my speakers got crackly. So while the plan changed a little bit in that way, we made the plan to go in together and add my mom to our account! Doesn’t hurt to get a little bit off of all of our bills, right?
Right. All three of us were long out of our contracts, so it was definitely time.
The last time Brady and I had changed our phone plans was last summer. At Kinasao, we have zero wifi options. So we always are using data when we’re on our phones. Which is fine in the way that we don’t need to live on our phones when we’re at the lake 💜 But we also do use them pretty frequently. Brady is active on Insta now, and I blog every day. We need some internet. So last year, we boosted our data plan in an effort to worry less about rolling over our gigs. Telus finally offered unlimited data, with the speeds slowing after 15G. So 15G each of full speed high speed data. We got that plan for only $5-10 more than what we were originally paying.
When we went in today, one of the first things they told us was that our plan didn’t exist anymore. They said we could keep it, but could never tweak it or change it really. For informations sake, we were told the next best plan was another $10 up, and it would give us 45G of worry-free internet EACH. Now that is WAY more than we need, but it was enough to tempt us. Now, I am a firm believer in finding good deals, but knowing the difference between necessary good deals and unnecessary good deals. If you buy a million good deals, you’re still spending too much money, right? Right.
But then they told us, by adding my mom to our account, we all save $10 off our plans.
Meaning this new, WAY better plan, was the same price as the last one.
Sooooo thats how we walked out of there SO set up with amaaazing plans! Our internet at home often sucks, so we spend a good chunk of time with our phones off of our wifi anyway. This way is just so worry-free, and you’d better believe thats something we value a lot in this family!
Brady got the dark blue phone, and my mom and I got the super light pink ones. We all got clear Otterbox cases, screen covers, and fast charger bricks. It was successful, and we are TIRED. Hahahaha! Yikes!
What a great day 💜