Except we all know who dis is.
This morning, I gift you the super unflattering pictures along the way to my hair getting a refresh, haha! I always spend a good few hours in the salon with my hair girl, and I record the ugly stages along the way for the sick entertainment of my husband and my best friend 😆
First, the before pictures. Wavy joined for those.

Then I went in, and I sipped coffee while the work began! Roots!!

I got no roots…
Now usually there is a color remover step, but I was going darker this time, so it wasn’t as important to get my hair flawlessly even.

We skipped the color remover altogether and went tooooooo BLUUUUUE!!!

This was the part where I sat and waited and scrolled and sipped and just generally relaxed. My hair girl has her own room now, so its really nice to be able to watch some things and let down in a real way.
As usual, my four-ish hours in the hair chair paid off, and I am officially refreshed!

I haven’t rocked blue hair in a good while, but it definitely suits really well for a winter color.
My hair girl and I laughed and reminisced about the first time I went blue. I was concerned, and told I was scared to look like cookie monster. Well folks, we went full cookie this time around, and I have zero regrets. ZERO. Its really fun to be so bright blue 💙
Happy hump day, friends! Kids are off school where I am, and it feels like a weekend!