If you live around here, you’ve probably heard all about the huge stabbing spree a little further up north. Honestly, you probably don’t have to live around here to have heard about it. It was an unbelievable time of crime and loss. Yesterday, after a four day manhunt, Myles Sanderson was apprehended, and everyone could finally breathe out again.
The kids had heard about the situation for a few days, as it began not very far from us at the lake, and then became a topic of conversation at school. So when I found out the state of emergency was lifted, the kids were SO stoked. Relieved. As was their mom.
It wasn’t long after that when I heard Sanderson had passed away while in custody. So I knew this. But I hadn’t told the kids.
As the day came to a close, the kids got ready for bed and we all gathered in the living room to pray together. Rowan went first.
“Dear Jesus. Thank you for this day. Thank you that the bad guy was caught. Please let him learn his lesson, and try harder next time. Amen.”

And guys, I don’t know what to tell you, but thats still sitting with me today. While I can’t explain it in specific detail, I feel like that prayer was a window into Rowan’s heart. His understanding. His desires. His clarity. His character. I loved it 💜 So I wanted to share it.