My Yarn Winder

My belated birthday present finally arrived!! I mulled between a yarn ball winder and new crochet hooks for a good long while, and I still would like both. I decided to go for the ball winder for now, and you’d better believe the hooks will go on my Christmas list!

I ordered the ball winder almost a month ago, and it FINALLY arrived this morning!

PS Like my earrings? They’re from Cher for our friendaversary 😍

Needless to say, I was stoked. STOKED.

It’s called a Stanwood Needlecraft Yarn Winder, and it looks like this.

It rolls yarn into approximately 4 oz “cakes” which, in crochet terms, is a ball that is flat on the top and bottom, so it doesn’t roll away the way a ball does.

A quick overview of how it works for those of you who care about yarn, hahaha!

The yarn is fed through the little eye on the end of the arm (there’s a mental picture for you) and slipped into this little slice at the top of the yarn holder. Then, you can hold the yarn winder or use the clamp under it to attach it to a table. And then you operate the crank by hand/ And it works!! There is no rule about putting the yarn ball itself in a container, but I guarantee it’ll make your life easier. Otherwise it sticks on stuff, picks up hair, etc. This little simple system works beautifully for me!

Its a little addictive, even…

I can confidently say these will take up more space than a tightly wound ball but they will stack so nicely, and they won’t roll away when I use them! They will look SO pretty on my shelf. WAY nicer than a rubbermaid tub.

All in all, I am SO happy with this ball winder!! I have zero regrets on my choice to purchase it.

Aaaaand for the next few days, if you need to find me, I will be holed up somewhere, playing with my new toy.


I. Want. One!
Someone gifted me a ball that was sold wound like that and it has been so wonderful to work with. I never thought something like a yarn wonder exists but now I need to get one!!!!


You DEFINITELY want one!! They’re easy to find on Amazon, and they’re not crazy expensive. I always prefer the centre pull, and now, I can re-roll any yarn that won’t pull from the centre. And when I inevitably untangle and roll a ball of yarn, it won’t roll away on me! Quality of life has gone UP! Lol!