I had a little bit of time to kill ALONE in the city the other day. This. Never. Happens. I decided to actually do things I didn’t have to do, because I always do. Plus I knew I was going in the next day for groceries anyway 😆 I could justify actual downtime! So I got an iced coffee and went to Value Village to scope for Christmas gifts, haha! I never ever get to shop while holding a coffee. Like. No exaggeration. It never happens anymore.
While I did not surface with Christmas gifts as I had hoped, I did come out with a crazy awesome haul that I felt really good about. Some of it was specific for the babies and maybe held a few too many details, so I’ll leave that stuff out, but I’ll show you what I did find that I’m excited about!
Probably most exciting for me was this summer quilt. I love finding these handmade quilts, they are such treasures! This picture doesn’t do the blanket justice, but the flowers on the white squares are neon!!! It is SUCH a fun blanket, and a nice twin size.

An infant life jacket! I have some old ones from garage sales and such, but they’re not this nice. I really like these ones but they’re SO expensive! Not only was it a fraction of the full price I’d have paid in a store, but its also BRIGHT, which is important this summer, as I have mischievous babies this summer who I am doing all I can not to leash, hahaha! So we’re going with bright colors for now!

Mugs. My vice. This mug drinks SO nicely. The handle is nice and big. Its a really really nice mug.

Just, summer. Festive. Popsicles. I love it.

This one reminds me of the pottery I only dream of making. I want these for bathroom glasses. So this one is for me. I love the little thumb squish.

Another little summery quilt, but baby style! I snag these from time to time when I come across them for future babies that come into my care. This one was $2.50, and it has mermaids and tie dye. It does not deserve to die in a thrift store.

Ok. Hear me out. This wallet is also neon. Its VERY bright in person. And its also worn in the corners. Its not perfect by any means. However, its a wallet made my 31 Gifts that I’ve been curious about for years but couldn’t justify the $80 🤮 pricetag. This one, however, was considerably less, so I jumped! It has SO many card pockets but still has nice zipper pouches and space for other items. I like it!

Old school Tupperware shape sorter. The best shape sorters, in my opinion. Cheap. With all the shapes. A great score.

I got these shoes for Laela. She got some new-to-her shoes recently for summer, but she’ll need indoors for school as well, so I found these for only a few bucks. They fit her great! She loves them.

And shoes for ME!! These are the cutest, weirdest flats I’ve ever seen. I love them. They’re Puma. The kids think they’re water shoes. I think they’re adorable and hilarious.

Also these shoes for me. I’ve had the same beater pair of runners for absolute YEARS and they are so sad and dirty and messy now, covered in spark holes and muck. They can remain for the season, and go to and from the lake with me. But these are for non-sandal days around here. I wore them yesterday and loved them. A total win.

And I had a whole iced coffee to boot!!
I could’ve done more damage, but I left some AWESOME things behind. A huge box of K’NEX. Hilarious signage for the home. A wood burning stove lamp. Awesome thing. But this was great as it was 💜 I’m so grateful to have gotten some good time away by myself. Things have been wildly bumpy over here for a bit now, and this was a nice little break for my brain.
While I can’t say retail therapy is always a healthy coping mechanism, or really ever the ideal thing to reach for, this timed out really nicely, and I felt extra grateful for the items, the coffee, and the time away.
Thank you, Lord, for providing in all kinds of strange ways! 💜