Its been a while since I’ve talked about my succulents that I have LOVED! The first plants in my entire life that I’ve kept alive! I’ve been truly so proud of them! As you may have picked up through my subtle posts, we’ve gone through a bit of a thing over here recently, and the odd thing has been left by the wayside. Lol! I jest. I hella neglected my succulents the way I neglected myself 😆#notactuallyfunny #sadbuttrue I have no real pictures of what they looked like, so this is the best I could find.

They may look lush, but they’re actually just grossly overgrown. The far hangy one was crispy and dead. They’ve all gotten SO tall. Simply put, they have NOT been maintained in the slightest. My mom picked up on the fact that I felt super crappy about them and I had started debating just chucking them all and starting over. So she lovingly offered to take the task on herself. I jumped at her offer. More so I sunk into it. Not so much jumping recently, haha!
I had numerous pots that were waiting to be filled, so she got to it. Over the course of several days, she split and propagated everything, and repotted my windowsill worth of succulents (or suckies, as I call them) into SO MANY CUTE POTS!!! They have madly outgrown their home!

Believe it or not, I still have one on my piano thats come after the fact. You’ll have to trust me that I have plans, though. I have more places that would happily house some more suckies for me!!
My plants make me happy. I like they they usually live, haha! And that I can often revive them when they’re struggling. This time, obviously, my mom saved them, but this is just the times, and I’m not giving myself too hard of a time over it. Many of my plants, inside and outside, have been gifts, and they remind me of nice people and how loved we are. I will continue to do my best, and I will continue to accept help offered to me. I am not above that!
I am humbled and grateful for my people, and their love, in all the ways.