My Soft Children

I just wanted to post some beautiful pictures of some of my children from last night πŸ’œ A couple quick pictures just really really turned out and I want to remember them.

A rare calm moment with Solomon. Isn’t he gorgeous here? I so rarely see his face without glasses these days, and when I do, its just a different level of softness πŸ’œ My little snuggly boy, all wrapped up in one of my best blankets. I love this picture.

And then us girlies πŸ’œ

I went to tuck them in for night, and it was later in the day, so everyone went down at the same time, which rarely happens. Wavy insisted I climb in with her, and Laela joined the cuddle πŸ’œ I’m not sure all three of us have ever been in Wavy’s bed at once, but I loved it!! Wavy had both of us in a death grip and the flash was a shock, but it is SUCH a nice picture πŸ’œ

Tucking kids in and getting them up every morning are my chances to get intentional face time with each child, and I really love those times. I really, really love these children πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ