Our bedroom is the area of our house where everything gets dumped. I’ve worked hard for it to be different, and when I get down to it and get it SUPER tidy, it stays that way for a good long while. As you can imagine, when Brady left, most things fell by the wayside, and our bedroom was one of them. It became a space where I didn’t feel relaxed in at all, and that needed to change. We have way too much furniture in our room and most of it isn’t being utilized well. So its begun – the big bedroom reorganization! Which feels pretty fruitless if we’re thinking of moving anytime soon, which we are, but before we faced that fact, we began the job. And I’m SO glad we did.
I had been waiting until the whole thing was overhauled before sharing it with you here, but rather, I’m going to show you my side of the room. Because its obviously the best part, and I am SO eager to finally post it!
First, we have the “before” picture…

Yes, it could be worse, but that pile of random stuff just grew and grew. I’d clean some of it up, and lo and behold, more would show up there. Meanwhile, the desk was never used as a desk, and the small white drawers were not serving their purpose of holding my craft stuff. The walker there has never been used by us. The tall box is curtain rods that need to be installed and haven’t been. The box under the empty hamper held who knows what. I don’t remember. The tubs held projects I was partway through. Everything. Was. A. Mess.
So. We changed it. In a BIG way.

I built there giant bookshelves, first off. They were heavy and beefy and strong. We bought them from Ikea, and my mom picked them up on a trip she took to Edmonton. They fit in her car with about a half inch of room. Better than just bookshelves, they are actually display cases!

They were a shockingly good price, so we felt justified in buying them, and I have NO regrets. I momentarily thought they were overkill, but indeed they were not. I had more than enough things to fill them.

Forgive the reflection of the light. But this is it. My whole yarn stash. It was spread out in tubs and boxes all over the house, and now its in one place, its WAY easier to see what I have on hand, and its pretty!! At least we think so.
Believe it or not, I give this setup credit for why I am crocheting SO much these days. I find myself working at it way more, making such beautiful things, and it is incredibly rewarding. I also don’t find myself buying colors that I think I need, but actually have stashed somewhere. And I’m gaining more ideas for the colors/types of yarn I have less familiarity with, because its all just sitting there, staring at me. I’m WAY quicker to grab a skein of yarn and a hook on my way out of the house, and crochet a dishcloth, scrubby, pot holder, coffee cozy, etc. while I’m out and about.
For all your fun custom crocheting, I’m your girl! 🧶
Quickly, on the topic of reorganizing our room, if any muscle men would be willing to come move some furniture around, up and down some flights of stairs, we would welcome the help in the next week or two! Please!