When we have people over for the first time, they often comment on how clean our house looks. And I can honestly tell that them that it is NOT clean, but decently tidy. We tidy up a lot, because clutter drives me bananas. It didn’t used to, trust me! You’re talked to a reformed packrat who collected everything. I’m pretty over that now, and when there is less stuff, its easier to actually clean when I feel so inclined. Which is rarely. Stuff is surface cleaned, but I do not deep clean even close to enough. That being said, our room usually takes the biggest hit of messiness. Its not always a disaster, but if something doesn’t have a home, it migrates to our room, and once in a while, it gets fully out of hand. And folks, today is that day.
Let me walk you through this hole.
Right when you walk in, there’s this. Two hampers of laundry that just needs to be put away. My LEAST favorite part of laundry is putting it away, and I’ve dragged my feet hard on this one. These hampers have been here forrrrr maybe two days now? Dekker had two unmatched socks in the bottom of his drawer this morning and I let him wear them to school. #momwin
A bit further in, you can see a bit worse of it.
The desk was worse yesterday, but today it still holds a few pictures from the kids, a calendar that desperately needs updating, and a pile of letters spread out from when I wrote the message “use me” on my new letter board! Things that belong on my desk are also there, but thats allowed 🙂 I can’t wait for Wavy to have a more permanent spot so I can hang up her beautiful picture!! You’ll see her current bedroom in a second here. But back to this area, the chair is covered with yarn that I haven’t put away, and some boxes from parcels we received that I haven’t just walked out to our recycle bin yet. Sigh. Oh, and thats Wavy’s snot sucker on the headboard, because we’re classy people and leave that kind of thing out. Its worth noting that I removed two bottles and a coffee mug off of our headboard this morning, and that was probably the least amount of dishes its held in weeks. (What? No! We would never eat in bed! Are you crazy?!)
To the other side of the room…
It doesn’t look too too bad. Right at the bottom left corner, you can see the beginning of a blue tub. We have a bunch of clothes to pack up that Wavy’s grown out of, and they’re all just in a heap over there. Once that tub is gone, thats probably where the new banjo case will go. We have our dressers (YES! We like purple!) that aren’t too too bad, but are SO dusty! The short dresser is pretty much right, except that besides our little stuffies for Theo and Jamin, it has two stuffies that are Wavy’s, and they should go with her stuff. The tall dresser has some papers to put away, but thats basically it.
Oh! We need to wash our bedding, too. Can’t forget about that!
So, here’s Waverly’s spot. Ssshhh! She’s napping!
She sleeps in our walk-in closet right now, but is starting to get a little bit too active for her little cradle. I find her sideways in there once in a while, so I think its time to retire the cradle and switch her to a playpen. But the playpen takes up more space than the cradle. So I need to rearrange the clothes into different spots so she can’t reach them from her bed. (To be clear, this is just a chunk of the closet. You’ll see it all in the “after” post.) The closet also needs a good dust and maybe a bit of a purge.
The whole room and closet need a good, solid vacuum as well! The postpartum hair loss is upon us, and it means business!
To the en suite!
This part could be worse, but still, it needs help. There’s clothing to put into the laundry, and towels to switch out. There’s garbage in weird places (not to mention BOTH garbage cans in here are full and neglected) and general products laying out that need to be put away. We have a disassembled humidifier that we used recently that needs putting away. There’s a toilet paper wrapper on the sink indicating that the last roll has been started, and more needs to be brought upstairs. EVERYTHING needs an actual clean in this room. The mirror, sink, tub, and toilet. The bathmat could also use a trip through the laundry, since we’re talking about all this.
Guys, real talk. I’m totally happy to pick up and tidy as things get out of sorts, but once it reaches this point, I have more trouble getting down to it. I’ve never been good at middle grounds, and I feel like I have to either blitz this all at once or not at all. Tackling things bit by bit just doesn’t work well for me. Yet! As I said in my “30 Life Lessons” post, motivation comes and goes, but self discipline is always there! So I give you all full permission to rag on me about this if I haven’t tidied this mess up by the end of the week! Because I can, and I should. And I want to!!! Our room is such a sanctuary, and I want it to feel like one again!
Waverly is lulling so thats it for today, folks! Thanks for reading and not judging my mess! I know you’ve all got some of that, too 😉