I’ve experienced an odd mix of emotions this morning. I’ll talk more about it another day. But in the midst of me feeling a little bit extra roller coastery, Dekker said to me, “Do you want to come inside with me and have a snuggle?” Who is that kid???
I took him up on it. And I’m SO glad I did.
As I was just sitting down in my recliner, Dekker was standing in front of me, arms out in front of him, waiting to lay down in my arms. I scooped him up as I simultaneously pulled the footrest up, and we lay together for a good long stretch. Probably close to an hour.

Of course, the snuggle changed over that hour. He moved around a bit. I tickled him. He got super smoochy and kissy. We talked, but not that much. We just rested together.

Dekker will be nine years old this summer. On one hand, I’m not ready for him to be so grown up yet. But on another hand, if he continues to let me snuggle and smooch and tease him, let the boy grow!! He is SO loving and affectionate and warm.

I asked Dekker several months back if he would ever be too old to stop holding my hand or snuggling with me. And he looked back at me, almost offended, and responded quietly with “Why would you say that?” I will NEVER ask again, my son ❤️
Sooooooo beautiful!
He is ❤️
So are you!
😘 I got it from my mama!