You might remember, and you might not, but around my birthday I was flip flopping between buying myself a yarn winder or a particular set of crochet hooks. The hooks were $100 out of Michaels, so I was waiting for one of those trust 40% off coupons to come around and make them a more viable option, but when it didn’t, I got antsy and chose the ball winder.

I was right. This thing has made my yarn WAY tidier and I’m really happy with my choice.
That being said, I’ve crocheted a ton this year, probably more than ever, and I’ve began looking back towards the new hooks. Christmas is coming, you know.
When I looked really good and close at the set I’ve been eyeballing, I realized that, besides the soft ergonomic handles, I had all the same sizes. They were pretty much exactly what I had, but WAY more money. I had hoped for a winder range of sizes, and was disappointed to see they didn’t go any bigger than the set I was using.
So I ventured over the Amazon to see what I could see, and I came across THESE! 🙌

This hook set came with fourteen hooks, ranging from 2mm – 10mm. My previous hook set carried up to 6mm size, and then I had one hook that is a size 11mm. Could this set be more perfect??
Actually, they can be more perfect. Know how? They were only $20!!!
Something I didn’t really anticipate about having these soft grippy handles was that I naturally hold them WAY looser! I didn’t realize how tightly I held my regular aluminum hooks until I realized I hadn’t have to tighten any muscles to keep these in hand!

I want everyone I know who crochets to own these. Buy them here! No kickbacks for me, I promise. Just buy them, because they are SO much more comfy! I almost want to buy a second set to keep in the van because, as you know, I crochet everywhere.
I’m excited enough about these that the kids still thank Jesus for them when they pray before bed. They’re a big deal.