Today is Sunday. We are horrible at getting to church, especially in the summer. There’s always a reason not to go. But we really, really wanted to go today! Our pastor was speaking on something we really wanted to hear! That, and just the basic need for Jesus and community. There’s even a lunch after!
We got the kids up early and bathed everyone, dressed everyone, and fed everyone. Some of the kids weren’t in the best of shape, but we can’t always demand perfect. Its not fair to us, or them. Its too important. So we decided to power through.
Except then there was Waverly. In her little dress, laying on the floor on her blanket, unmoving except for her little hand playing with her hair. She lay so still, and smiled at us, but didn’t want to move. She finally sat up, and yawned one of those goooood baby yawns. A couple of minutes later, she was rubbing her ears and her face and crying. Just a tired little fussball. And I knew that if we brought her to church, we’d pace the whole time, and even with that, I knew she wouldn’t be settled. So I decided to stay home with her.
I sat on the floor a bit with her, but she didn’t want anything. I’d hold her but she’d push me. I’d set her down and she’d cry. We listened to music and she wiggled for a minute before plopping back down and rubbing her face all over again.
She was still dressed for church, so I decided to change her back into jammies. I wanted her as comfy as she could be. And the moment I lay her down…

This is her token sleepy reaction. Those three fingers in her mouth and her hand to her hair. Always. Once she was laying down, she was happy. So I knew what she needed.
While I had her laying on the floor, I looked inside of her mouth. That brought some clarity. She is pushing ALL FOUR eye teeth right one. One has just cracked through (YAY!) but the others are bulging under her gums! Poor dear is just feeling it. She is SUCH a tough cookie!
So Waverly is napping a little earlier than usual, for obvious reasons, and I’m working on her scarf for winter. Since I’ve added new yarny skills to my repertoire, I want to make them matching toques and scarves. Did you know thats TEN things?!?! Yikes! Hence why I’m working on it in August. I’ll show you when they’re done 🙂 I’m actually really excited. But I’m getting off track! Gah!
I’m sad to miss church today, but I’m glad Brady was able to take the kids and I got to have a few little minutes with Wavy to myself. She’s so strong, and so animated, and so close to walking! Eek!