We enjoyed our first truly beautiful spring day yesterday ☀️ Brady worked on the project we currently have on the go – closing in under the deck, effectively making a shorty storage shed. While he worked on that, I got my tan on!

I am the whitest thing to ever walk this earth, so pretty much every spring, I get a nasty sunburn to kick off the season. It isn’t pleasant, but it happens literally every single year, and its become a bit of a rite of passage.
Yesterday was that day.

Also yes, Brady gashed his forehead pretty good and proper. He walked square into a board that was screwed to the deck. He’s ok now 🤕
I spent almost all day yesterday outside in the sun. In the morning, I lay on a blanket next to the house, where the sun was shining and the wind was blocked. Also, through nap time, I took some time on the deck. After nap time, we were going to take the kids for a walk to go wish a friend a happy birthday. I invited my mom to join us, and she decided to walk our way rather than drive. So I walked to meet her, and as soon as she got to our house, we all left for our walk! SO much outside time!
I ended up walking my mom home and enjoying the walk home, as well. By that point in the day, most people I came across were in pants or sweaters or both. Friends even poked fun at me, in my shorty shorts and tank top, but I was DETERMINED to enjoy the heat while I could!
When I finally made it home, my poor calves were screaming. Not from all the walking, but the burn! My knees are cherry red! I declined a soak in the tub knowing it would hurt way too much.
Most of the tingling skin had resolved by this morning, and my face looks like we’re heavily into summer already! We are not, but I’m pretty ok with it 🙂 Trying to embrace my freckles that have only come into play in my adulthood, too!!

Hopefully there are MANY more hot sunny days to come!