My First Bake Day

I have yet to bake since moving into our new home. I baked a LOT before we moved in order to not run out too fast. And then I ran out too fast anyway, but I had lovely people in my life step in and make us some meals, as well as some baked good! With that, we’ve been able to keep up with similar foods along the way! But this morning, the kids informed me that they had finished off the end of the baking, and I knew that today needed to be the day. I had to make some big batches of things to get us back on track!

So today feels like as good a time as any to show you whats all going on with our kitchen! This is what were working with!

So while there is a decent amount of counter space, there are fewer surfaces than I’ve used to dealing with. The island is quite a bit smaller in general, plus the stovetop is sharing it as well. Note the EPIC fridges (yes, those are both fridges) and the teeny toes in the bottom left corner. Someone can (and does) get into my ziploc container drawer.

If and when we redo our kitchen, this island will be much larger.

A fun development was learning that one of our sink basins just does not plug. Nope nope nope. We even bought new ones. Nothing doing. So foolishly, I took out pumpkin to defrost it for baking, and put it in a sink of water. And then I couldn’t do dishes, because that sink doesn’t plug. Like. Not at all. It doesn’t even leak. It flows.

What I can tell you is that the oven is amazing. I had a fake convection oven in the old house, so it was basically just an oven with a fan in the back. It was better than some, but it was nothing like the real thing, which I have now 😍

So. I made about twelve dozen muffins and four banana bread loafs. With crumble!

While I can’t say these are the best items I’ve ever baked, I got LOTS done and its all going to be delicious and get us back in our groove of breakfasts and lunches! I see some flaws in what I baked, but it appears they passed the taste test!

One day, this space will be more organized. I’ll have random stuff off my counter. My island top will be bigger. But I am SO unbelievably grateful for everything I have. All the ingredients I have to make yummy things. A great oven with huge fridges. Thank you Lord for providing for us, always! 💜