My Favorite Kind of Afternoon

Today was productive and restful and fun, and I am SO happy to be able to say that! Not all days feel quite so good, but I truly enjoyed my few hours of kid-free time this afternoon! Becauuuuuuse…

I wrapped presents!!!


It feels SO GOOD to have gifts already wrapped and up on a shelf. I took multiple pictures of the stack to post on here but they’re all sharper than I thought they’d be and I’m not willing to take the time to blur the names out 😅 So rather, just take my word for it. I wrapped over thirty gifts!! Ack!!!

Ok. Whew! Thats all I have for today. While I was in the city this evening, waiting for a baby to be done at a visit, I was able to procure another five gifts off my list! Sooooo I’m off to wrap those now before I crash in my bed.

Goodnight, friends!

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