Because of my time crunch, I came to terms with the fact that my eyebrows are sisters, but they aren’t twins, I thanked God for my glasses that would camouflage them for the most part, and I kept on moving. I really like my funky glasses, but sometimes I feel like putting them on takes away the “pretty” and changes it to “funky.” I like both looks, but I sometimes get sad when I work so hard to soften my look, only to have it hidden behind my big glasses. Today, though, they worked in my favor, haha!
I took the kids to the city and picked Brady up. We didn’t have too much to do, but getting my back fixed was priority one. For some reason, the last week or so, I’ve had this crazy ache in my shoulder and neck when I’d take in a deep breath. Brady and I both figured it was a rib out. As the days wore on, I found myself more grouchy in the mornings and evenings, and totally unable to lay on my right side anymore. We went to Dr. Mike’s first, and instead of just quickly running in on my own, Dekker was quite insistent that he wanted to come. So he did! He and I went in together, just the two of us, and it was actually really pleasant. He was still a bit shy, so he sat on my lap until I got up for my treatment, but he sat very politely and quietly. Dr. Mike pointed out fairly quietly that he was doing really well, and wasn’t so scared as the last time. He said it seemed like Dekker’s confidence had really started to show, and I agreed. He said under his breath “He really looks good. He’s coming into his own.” I love that someone who sees him so rarely can tell and understand. He’s a good man.
After chiro, we ducked into a couple of stores, and then Wendys for supper. They did great, as usual. Our last place to hit was actually the show home for the builder Brady works for. Believe it or not, I haven’t been through this particular one, and they’re in the process of selling it, I think, and building a new one. Conveniently, it stays open nice and late, so we figured we’d wander through. The kids loved the new space and all the staging. They wanted to go back upstairs at the end and look over it all again. They were sad to leave, but it was nice to finally walk through and see it before it sold.
The kids were pretty sad to head home, but they came in holding hands and actually went down decently well. Rowan has eaten like a little piggy all day, so hopefully he’ll have a good sleep, and hopefully its soon so Brady and I can still have a soak! And a coffee. Because the only thing that can make a bubble bath any better is a double double.