I really love my mom. I am incredibly grateful for the relationship we’ve grown together. It is built on trust and love, and carries no guilt or manipulation. She will always be my mom and I will always be her daughter, but we are also very genuine friends. I am SO blessed to have this beautiful thing with my mom. It is not lost on me how precious and rare this is.
I am sad to say I have hardly seen my mom this summer. Not out of a lack of desire or even of time, but sickness and circumstance have kept us at arms length for many weeks. Truth be told, I miss her terribly. Yes, we have lots on the go at the lake, with appointments, etc., but she is a very important part of our life and there is a very real hole left when we have been apart so long.
Mom, if its unclear at this point, I love you dearly 💜 I appreciate how invested you are in us, even in such a busy season.

In the midst of all your own busyness, you still come to events when possible, take Dekker in to do his cans, and make birthday cakes.

Heck, you even decorate our entire home (with the lovely Cher and Laela alongside) to celebrate big moments in our lives.

With the way our season has been, we have barely any pictures together 💜 But you’ll have to take my word for it when I say that she is one of my closest friends.

I hope you know how loved you are, dear mama 💜 I am proud to know you and be close to you. You are a person I truly admire, and if my children can feel a fraction of the love from me that I feel from you, I will have done my job.
I love you, mom 💜 I hope you feel celebrated and adored today, because you are, and you are.
Happy birthday, mom!