Thank you, friends, for all the love and warmth yesterday. I will be honest and tell you that I don’t feel a ton of peace at this particular time of my life. In some ways, and in the most important ways, I have. I have peace with God. Truly. And above all else, that is most important. I do not, however, feel peace in the very other way. I feel discomfort, struggle, and stress. I feel like I’m changing into a worse person, and I’m fighting so hard not to. I don’t have a whole lot of recreational fight left in me to put towards that, and I’m nervous it’s all going to come to a head. I still have some thoughts to process. I’ll try and talk more about it when I’ve figured it out a little more.
Yesterday was beautiful and brutal. I was SO celebrated and loved. My mom and Cher came out to the lake to join the fun. Brady worked hard to take all the punches the kids threw on his own. We ate a delicious supper of my choosing. We rested on the beach and had hardly any agenda.

There was struggle though. The kids were in bad shape from the get go and it just never improved. They fought, disobeyed, and complained about what we did around every corner. It was so discouraging. For Brady and I both. He had made an evening plan for us that we finally had to decide to bail on because the kids just weren’t having it. It was really too bad. Definitely discouraging.
Our supper was delicious!

And I got beautiful gifts 🙂 sparkle balls, thick cozy socks, a beautiful canister for I don’t know what yet, a new swim top that fits perfectly, and money to go buy myself some fancy pants new crochet hooks! I’m SO excited!
I have so so much to be thankful for. The blog yesterday was unreal. FILLED with love for me, complements, and care for my family. I felt treasured and loved all day.
The evening wrapped up with cards and fire as we enjoyed our new site lights.

Thank you to everyone who made it such a beautiful day for my heart. I may have struggled a little, butwon’t forget you beautiful people who put into me in the ways you did. Thank you!
