Behold. A very vulnerable picture of me.

I know. Excuse the chest hair. I’m just being real with you guys. This is me. Taking a shower. Preparing food. Whilst on an important phone call.
Well I REALLY psyched you all out! This actually is not me. Maybe the height gave me away. Darn.
Anyway. It COULD be me. It is definitely how I feel on the inside. Chaotically juggling personal care, while trying to keep a family alive and every possible social worker and medical professional in the know of every little detail. I barely remember the days of screening calls from unfamiliar numbers. Now, I pick up evvvvverything. Including the baby in my house that will not be set down.
Thats really how you know this picture isn’t of me. Because I wouldn’t be in the shower. Unless the baby was, too.
Blog ✅ done. Another thing off the list for the day! Whew!