Brady had his sixth MRI yesterday. With that, plus two CT scans, I imagine soon he’ll glow in the dark! Yet another fun bonus of all the junk we’ve done through in the last seven months or so! Woohoo!
Cher willingly, lovingly, offered to watch the kids, and we planned out our morning to get a couple “cancery” things done. Bloodwork, pick up meds, MRI, etc. Its kind of a long story, but everything went to poop when he checked in for his MRI fifteen minutes early, around 9:45, only to learn his scan was actually at 10:00PM! That was kind of a huge letdown, only for the reason of kind of having to psych ourselves up for it, and then knowing we actually have to do that again, later! Ugh. What a debacle.
Aaaaanyway, the MRI did happen. It gets darker earlier these days! Yikes! I didn’t think it happened this soon!
I came prepared to kill time, with some true crime downloaded on my phone and some crocheting in my hand.

Some of Bradys MRIs are a half hour. Some are two hours. Its impossible to know.
This one went for about an hour and a half. It was 11:45 when I heard he was coming back out!! Thank you Lord!

So, it happened. Brady figures six MRIs should earn him a free coffee or sandwich or something. Where is the MRI punch card?! That should absolutely exist.
I guess I should add in here that this MRI is to assess the situation post-radiation. It was booked by his radiation oncologist when he finished that treatment in May.
We pray that we only go onward and upward from here!