I know some of you find my posts about lists boring, but they make me feel sane and organized. Even in person, seriously, just let me talk lists with you and I will be happy as a clam!
Today, we crossed a small handful of things off my list! I’m also making decisions about some things that I think just won’t happen, and I need to remove from the list anyway. And then I went and rearranged it all!
Firstly, we got Laela and Solly up to date on their vaccines! We were somewhat behind, and I knew we’d forget if we left it until August, and I really wanted Laela to be up to date before starting kindergarten. So that was a win! Brady took the two of them while I went to my prenatal this afternoon 🙂 Dekker was in school, Brady had Solly and Laela, and Ro came with me. It was a cute date. Also off the list is a couple of things I realized were on their twice, haha! Seems insignificant but they still count!! I also have a running list of all that I’m waiting on to come in the mail, and my Vistaprint order came today! Woot! Oh and I put some water bottles with our hospital bag stuff, so I could mark that off.
Some things that aren’t going to happen, I’m deciding to just let go of, and thats ok. An item or two I was hoping to acquire for Bambina are proving especially hard to find, and being that they’re not necessities, I think we’ll just let them go. Also, a date night with Brady. I’m sad to see that opportunity go, but even if we did get organized and make a plan, I’m SO uncomfortable and pathetic to be around, it probably wouldn’t be the nicest outing anyway. Perhaps we’ll “settle” for an extra special home date 🙂 I may even willingly nix my pedicure, but I’m still hopeful I can weasel Jerilee into going with me next week 😉
My lists were shrinking beautifully when I realized I had one little list on the side of them of things that only needed to get done maybe the week before baby comes. And guys, we have next week, and then the week after that is baby week!!! So I rearranged everything from that list into the regular lists of what needs doing/cleaning/buying, etc. And amazingly enough, they’re still pretty short and concise.
The bulk of the list is that I have some bathrooms to clean, some laundry to do, some baking to do, a hospital bag to pack, and some decor to make. The decor could happen after she comes, but I’d love to get it done before if at all possible! And really, guys, thats the big stuff!! Thats it! Oh and I have to return a few things, but its easy to return through the mail!
I feel good about today. We finally got some answers about Brady’s schedule for the next month or so, which clears up a lot of unanswered questions. It feels like things are legitimately coming together! I’m stoked 🙂
Happy Friday, all!