Today, the mothers of the children in Laela’s class were invited to a Mother’s Day spa at school. It was SO cute!

There were a handful of stations to go to, and we had an hour. Laela did my hair, and gave me a massage. She was really just stalling, though. She had been waiting to paint my nails! That was easily the highlight! Things were a bit too sticky to take many pictures at the time, but I did after the fact.

Don’t they look pretty?
She asked me if I could paint hers too, so we did that at the very end with our last few minutes. Her hands were already a little painted from doing my nails, but hey. Whats a bit more color, right?

Besides the much anticipated nail painting, we ate some treats and read some stories. She read a few to me, because #overachiever, and I read a few to her, because #adult. It was pretty cute, though. A little girl sitting near us was bragging to me about what a good reader Laela is ❤️ Nothing but love! It was SO sweet.

All of a sudden, it was recess time, and off she went! She is SO comfortable at school, it really warms my heart to watch her interact with her friends and know her way around so easily. She’s so confident. I love that!
I doddled my way home, hijacking Laela’s teacher’s entire recess break with visiting before actually leaving. Whoops. Unsurprising, though. I haven’t been home for long at all, and its already coming up on the end of the school day! Hopefully they both had great days at school!
Its a busy weekend ahead! Tomorrow is garage sale day, and we’re hosting our first sale! Nothing too crazy, but please do stop by! And Sunday, we’re on music for church, and then spending the rest of the day with my mom! Because Mothers Day, if you hadn’t picked up on that.
Happy Friday, all!