Today I am abundantly grateful for my mom.

For the woman who has taught be absolutely everything she knows about how to be a strong woman of God. How to be an intentional parent. How to provide love and care and affection with no cap or pause even in times of strife. Unconditional love and respect were learned through this dear mom of mine.
There is no way I would have these children I have without your teachings and intention. There is no way we could foster children the way we aim to without your advice and guidance all through my childhood.

Still, some days I wish I could squeeze more of your opinions and advice out of you, but I know how deeply you desire not to sway my decisions as an adult. Almost too much respect in that way 😘

I love you, mom 💜 more than you know. My heart carries yours so closely. I’m so grateful to be close to you.
Oh my dear daughter, I love you from the bottom of my mama bear heart. You are such an amazing joy in my life and heart. It’s so wonderful to be part of your gang! :-)Thank you for your kind and honoring words of encouragement. You are a very wise and capable and loving mommy. I am very proud of you, sweetheart. I also love learning from you, Hailey….often. May God bless you, my dear!