I know Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are complicated for some. For many. I am not offended if you pass this post on by. I understand and respect that there is pain. But I deeply appreciate the beautiful mom that I was given, and emulate much of my parenting from.
I am incredibly fortunate to have her example in my life, and the friendship we share. I know not everyone has such a smooth, loving thing with their mom, or even with a friend. We have a strong relationship that only gets better as time goes by. I am incredibly grateful for my mom.
I am also incredibly grateful for my honorary mom across the street, Rae. While she isn’t around at this very moment, I hope she knows she is loved and appreciated by our family. There is a strong bond there that I trust will always be there. I am honoured to be part of her family.

Its harder to get a picture of Rae! She’s always behind the camera when she’s with the kids!
The day has been spent listening to music, visiting, eating yummy food, and receiving some gifts and notes from the kids. I really couldn’t ask for more.

I’m grateful for my mom. I’m grateful for the beautiful maternal influence around me. I’m grateful for the children who made me a mom.

Thank you Lord for all You’ve given me 💜
Hailey, I am so very very very very happy that you are my daughter and that I get the privilege of being your mom. It’s been great so far and it just keeps getting better every day. I love you darling.
It absolutely gets better every day 💜 100%. I love you dearly, mom!