Yesterday I posted about Rowan partying it up at the spray park. Well today the fun continued, as Tom and Rae took all five kids to the spray park in the afternoon! I believe its safe to say they had an absolutely riot, but I also believe the real party went down in their hot tub. Because that was a FIRST!!! Lucky little kids, they are!!

Ok so the first run, Solly wasn’t feeling it. Probably nervous. I wasn’t there. But he’s somewhat less inclined to try new things. Rae and Tom know this, and don’t let it cramp anyones style. Safety first, Sol!
He got in on round two, however!

His little wrinkly belly 😍

I was proud of him for trying it out, and really happy the kids all got a chance to try something new and fancy!
I feel so overwhelmed with gratefulness these days. Our people just keep showing up to love on our children and our family, and I am humbled over and over again. Tom and Rae have had our kids from morning to night. Fed them. Taken them to water THREE TIMES. Played and partied with them. Gave them a day to remember in the midst of some change and stress.
I’m just grateful. So grateful. Its bonkers.