Another day has passed, and we continue to hear beautiful stories of prayers being offered on Bradys behalf. Keep them coming, please! In fact, we even learned this afternoon that we had been mentioned at our other local church during their prayer time, and that we were prayed for by the congregation.
Not to make it too awkward, but this was particularly honouring, as we used to attend there, and made the difficult decision to change churches a couple of years ago. You can imagine how uncomfortable that might’ve been in our small town setting especially. So to know that there are still people over yonder at our “old” church who still care to hold us dear means a lot to us and our family 💜
After a particularly disappointing appointment this afternoon, Brady and I are feeling emotionally spent, and this is really all I have to offer the blog this evening.
Don’t get me wrong. God is still with us. There is still peace. God never fails. But WOW! Flesh sure does! So keep pounding Heavens gate with prayer and petition, in Jesus’ name, on Bradys behalf. We covet your prayers. We NEED them. They are absolutely ALL we have to hold onto at this time.
Of course we are all praying for you! Lots of love and prayer on your behalf.