More Plans That Stayed!

Today, all of my plans worked out, and it was such a good day! Hailey brought her daycare kids over for the morning/afternoon, and she brought coffee. All treats 🙂 I don’t know the kids parents, so I wont break any rules by putting their faces on the internet without permission, but they were SO CUTE! Upon arrival, they pulled out Laela’s little hair kit and sat around her. She sat still while they fussed over her hair, pretending to straighten and blow dry it. They brushed it out all beautifully before passing her a mirror and telling her that her hair was done 🙂 It was SO sweet!!

Dekker had a pretty rough morning, which was sad. However, I KNEW he had it under control when I told him that he might need a time out, and he said yes, he did. I put himself in time out twice today. Some people might think its weird, but I think its awesome. Way to know your limits, Dekker!

After lunch, everyone felt better, and Dekker actually talked to the kids a bit. But it was soon time that I needed to head into the city for my leg wax. I got out the door a little late but made it to my appointment on time, and genuinely enjoyed my time there. I really like my waxing girl, and I love having fresh arms and legs, and I LOVE having perfect eyebrows!! I know thats weird, but its refreshing for me.

Post-waxing, we got some supper (fish taco!) and picked up a couple of new hoodies for the kids. Then coffee and home. It was all eventful in a very good way. I caught Dekker falling asleep on the drive home, but it was SO close to bedtime so I woke him up and coaxed him into car dancing with me. Or I guess it was van dancing. Vancing. Anyway, it worked, and it was hilarious.

Now that the big ones are tucked away and Brady is feeding Rowan, I do want to give a brief heads up to people who drive on the highway, like me.

On my way to the city, I had a vehicle drive up behind me really quick and sit on my tail. The driver began blinking his brights at me. It was broad daylight, and I wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t come up so quickly. I know this can sometimes bean alert that something is wrong with your vehicle, so I checked mine over while driving. In the mirrors, I could see that nothing was smoking. I knew my gas cap wasn’t open, and turning down my music, there was no awful sound or indication that a door wasn’t closed properly. I was just about to enter a chunk on the highway that goes down to 90 kms. I considered that I had passed a police car moments ago, and figured that I’d slow down a bit early in case this guy wanted to pull up beside me and actually indicate to me what was wrong. He didn’t. He turned his brights off, and stayed right on my tail. Right on my tail. I drove through the 90 km zone, right at 90 kms. I figured maybe the guy was giving me a heads up about the police car so close behind, as I was confidently driving 122 kms. For those who never drive on the highway, this is a VERY common speed. If you’re not going 120 km, you’re almost a traffic hazard on the highway. So I stayed AT 90 kms until the 110 kms sign, where I kicked it back up to 120 or so. And this guy kept my speed, and once we reached my cruising speed, he chucked his brights on AGAIN. This time, he didn’t flash them, but he just left them on. I didn’t even flinch. I did not like this situation. I had not come in contact with him earlier, so there was no way I accidentally cut him off, or had done anything of the sort that could have possibly upset him. What was he trying to prove?! I kept driving, and he started to come up beside me. I waited to see if he was going to try to communicate something with me. Well that angry faced man kept his scowl to the road, whipped past me, and wailed down the road.

So. I’m not sure if he was just not paying attention, or he was waiting for me to pull over. But seriously, take care out there. People are creepers sometimes. Thats the moral of the story, I suppose.

The end. Bath time!