I’m 24 weeks today. On a note unrelated to me, I have a friend who delivered her son at about 23.5 weeks, and its crazy to me to think that my baby looks a little bit like her baby did when he was fresh!! At this stage of the game, I’m at an appointment once every four weeks, and this time around, it was five. I love prenatal appointments. Hearing the heartbeat is always lovely, asking any questions I have, the kids being involved a little bit, and the reminder that we are getting closer and closer to delivery! I know, still a ways off, but its coming fast! Today, I was able to learn a few small things that I figured I’d share for those who are interested. This baby is rocking an anterior placenta! Rowan’s also implanted on the front, so its not unfamiliar. It drove me up the wall when it happened with Rowan because I didn’t know about it until around 20 weeks, like usual, but it took about that long to feel him kick, because of the placental placement. No harm, just a bit nerve wracking. Well, lo and behold, this baby has his placenta in the front as well. I think I felt him move sooner than I felt Rowan, but it was still quite a bit later than I felt the others. I assumed this time it was just because I was so busy, and I hadn’t been taking much time to sit quietly and give my body a chance to feel! Now I know. I also learned that my placenta has an extra chunk off of it. Its not separating or coming apart or anything scary like that, but its a good thing to note so that it definitely comes out in delivery. You do NOT want leftover placenta hanging out in there! That equals all kinds of scary things that I don’t want to experience, so we’ll just make sure to fish that sucker out of there on the day things go down, so to speak. All good things to note, anyway. Babys heart rate is a solid 155 bpm, and it was music to my ears. It was a good appointment.
After our visit, we ran around to a bunch of different places, looked at a bunch of different things, made some decisions, and finally grabbed some coffee and headed to our lot. My mom had emailed pictures that she had taken when she checked it for us around noon, and we were way too excited not to come and see the progress made since then! (PS Mom, did you just venture out for us? You never have to, but I LOVE that you did!!!!!) When we got there, we saw a whole crew of guys working on our basement wall forms!!
Brady is gutsier than me, and went out to chat with them. They have plans to pour the walls tomorrow, and apparently, the framers are pretty much chomping at the bit for work, so they’re eager to get a start on our place, which is awesome to hear 😀 We are also eager for the framers to start! Eek! Moving right along!!!
We got home before suppertime. After a super easy supper, we watched a tiny bit of tv and then it was bedtime. The kids seemed to be struggling today, with very little downtime or quiet, and frankly, I was feeling that too. They’re all in bed now, and the tuna melt bagel is striking again. I could eat one of those things every day. So. Good. So we’ll eat, and then go hot tubbing. I was all limpy yesterday and I didn’t wake up all refreshed like usual, but rather twingy and still somewhat limpy. Gotta soak my bod to it can function tomorrow!! Just a home day for us, I think, but likely venturing out to see our new walls after work!!