Guys. The BEST thing about today is the fact that it was light out this morning! Ack!!!

You know how I’ve been waiting for this!! We spent most of the week off sleeping, but now that we’re getting up for school again, I could really notice the difference. And I am SO thrilled! Its basically springtime now, right??

Why yes indeed, it is springtime! At least thats what we’re going to tell ourselves!
Kids are getting ready for school. Dishes are being done. Wavy is tucked into the couch, reading a new-to-us book about a little boy streaking around town. I have one kid skating today, and one skating and curling. So I need to remember that. And I don’t think anyone has Frozen practice today. Oh I wonder when they’ll announce who the crew is! And when skating is over for the season. I’m getting ahead of myself, hahaha!
The main goal of today is to write out the March calendar so I feel less upside down going into it! Also, NEW INTERNET!!! We are officially giving up on SaskTel today and jumping on the Access bandwagon! So I’m a sitting duck until he comes. If he comes during school, I may take the kids to Warman after school to pick up Dekker’s glasses! Assuming the van starts, unlike a few days ago when it bailed on us…
I’m not scattered, you’re scattered! 😆😩🙃
Happy Monday!